Here's how to create an effective listing to sell
With a little time and effort, you can get the best possible price for the sale of your Recreational Vehicle or camping accessories. Selling your own RV can be the best way for you to get the best price on the market. Many resources are available to inform potential buyers that your RV is for sale. Some are quite obvious, and others are not, but all are effective tools to help you achieve a successful sale. We provide you with the best tips and some valuable selling tools to help you get the best price for your RV.
Creating an Effective Listing
Choosing Your Package
The first decision you'll need to make is the advertising package to select. One of the main deciding factors is the duration of your ad. If you want to get the best price for your RV or are concerned that your RV may not be seen enough, you can choose the Fast Sale package, which guarantees you won't have to buy a new ad if your RV doesn't sell right away, as well as the Giant rotating photo on the homepage. On the other hand, if you want to get an average price for your RV and are confident in a quick sale, you may consider running your ad for a shorter time with the basic package.
Also, make sure to check the details of what is included in your advertising package. The more expensive ads usually include additional features that make your ad stand out, as well as extra runtime.
Setting the Price
Setting the price is one of the most important steps in effectively selling your RV. A price that is too high can delay your sale, and a price that is too low results in lost revenue. It's important to do a quick market survey of current RV prices to determine what a comparable RV is worth. Find the current average prices of similar RVs based on current values using the J.D. Power database (for French, use the navigation bar language option, or use the Google Translate logo). This will help you determine the average selling price of your RV.
Important Information in Your Ad
A well-written ad should accurately highlight the most important and compelling features of your RV. VR Club Direct ads provide an unlimited text description field, so you have nothing to leave out. With online sales, more description usually is better than less. A well-written ad will result in more qualified buyers and a quicker sale.
Regarding your RV details, you only need to enter the year, brand, model, mileage, and engine, length, price, and type of your RV. With a few extra minutes, we strongly recommend entering as much information as possible about your RV. Taking 20 minutes now to create a better ad often means you won't have to answer as many questions later, and you may get a higher selling price. Entering more details about your RV can also give you leads for more qualified buyers. Your RV will have a better chance of matching the searches of buyers. So, if your RV has a generator, an outdoor kitchen, or a fridge with an ice maker, be sure to mention these easy-to-fill options in our form. If you don't have time to complete other details, feel free to skip the other sections. Once you've created your ad, you can always come back later to edit it. Remember that buyers' searches work with the same search criteria you entered in our description form; completing it well will make your RV appear more often.
Ad Description
Explain why you're selling the RV - This is one of the most common questions from buyers, so make sure to address it in your ad.
Define payment methods - Clearly state from the start what payment you will and will not accept (e.g., foreign money orders, checks). Do not accept personal checks and make sure to verify certified checks or money orders with the issuing financial institution. For more information on acceptable payment methods, visit our Fraud Protection page.
Disclose previous maintenance - A well-maintained RV is a sought-after RV. Offer potential buyers greater peace of mind by letting them know you have taken care of your RV diligently, and it's even better if you have maintenance records.
Disclose any issues that may need fixing - Don't wait for potential buyers to discover a problem they know you were aware of. Honesty can help close the sale, and unfortunately, the opposite can deter that potential sale.
Put the potential buyer "in" Your RV - Creating a good ad that a buyer relates to can make the difference between a quick and profitable sale and just getting rid of your RV.
Be honest - Don't waste your time or a buyer's time by being evasive. Be upfront about any VR (motorized) title statements or any major damage in the VR's history. If the buyer discovers this information through a VR history report check, they will feel you distorted the truth and may no longer want the RV.
Use proper punctuation and capitalization - Putting entire words or phrases in uppercase is hard to read and gives the impression that you are SHOUTING at people; it can also drive online users away from your ad.
Mention additions and modifications - If you have added features to your RV that are not part of its standard options, be sure to mention them in your description. For example, if you added a TV, solar panel, or an additional backup camera, you can attract buyers looking for these extras.
Communicate warranty information - If your RV is still under warranty, and the warranty is transferable, and you have the documents, indicate the type of coverage your RV has and for how long. For example: 2 remaining on powertrain warranty; 20,000 KM remaining on structural warranty; and 7 years remaining on roof warranty. If your warranty requires transfer fees, you can also specify whether you expect the buyer to cover them or if it's included in the transaction. Some manufacturers don't offer the same warranty coverage for second owners, so be sure to check your documents for transfer fees and who bears the costs.
Set your negotiation terms - Don't forget to mention if your price is firm. RV ads usually use terms for prices: Firm, or best offer, negotiable, or must sell. These can be easily added to your title when creating or editing an ad.
The Importance of Images
Photos give buyers a first impression of your RV and often help them decide to contact you for a visit. To speed up your sale, consider purchasing an ad with a minimum of 3 photos or more. Please add nice, clear, and non-distorted photos. Feel free to ask someone who can help you take attractive and straightforward photos using a high-quality mobile phone camera. The first photo should be a sunny shot of your cleaned and polished RV in an appealing outdoor setting so potential buyers can already envision themselves as the new owners of your RV. Include multiple photos of the exterior from various angles. Extend the awnings or extensions to showcase the available space. If your RV has ample storage space, add light inside and show it off. Inside your RV, potential buyers want to see the driving space, the main living area, bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, and any special or added features. Include a photo of any feature that sets your RV apart. Buyers want to see what they are buying.
Add a Video
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million. Present your RV by including a video on your VRCD ad. The video allows you to give buyers a personal guided tour of your RV. Have an assistant handle the camera while you discuss the best features of your RV. Practice several times until your delivery is smooth. Open cabinets, storage compartments, refrigerators, etc. Let the buyer look into every nook and cranny, and don't neglect important things like water and sewer connections/controls. All videos are automatically uploaded to YouTube and viewed by interested RV buyers online.
Preparing Your RV
A clean RV is easier to sell, and you will get a better price for it. Clean the inside and outside of the RV, consider washing the carpets, and polish or wax the exterior.
Now that you have cleaned the RV, you have probably encountered areas that need minor repairs. Replace burned-out bulbs, replace headlight covers if necessary, etc. Most RVs have black or white bumpers and hitches. Consider sanding and painting these parts with rust-resistant spray paint; it's surprising how much it will improve the appearance of your RV, with relatively low costs and efforts.
Cost-Effective and Very Affordable Advertising!
J.D. Power Reports.
Over 80% of buyers now use the Internet to shop for a used vehicle online, and online shopping provides potential buyers the opportunity to search through vast amounts of specific vehicle information without ever leaving their homes—a more efficient way to match buyers with unique used vehicles on the market. In light of this, RV sellers should expect the Internet to continue gaining importance among used RV buyers and adjust their online presence accordingly.
Online ads cost MUCH LESS than newspaper ads. Our online ads allow multiple photos, which would cost hundreds of dollars in print. Online ads also reach a broader audience provincially, nationally, and beyond, and allow you to communicate with potential buyers via email or text. Many of our customers have become happy campers after selling their RVs to buyers from distant states/provinces.
We recommend both online and local newspaper advertising
Once you have placed your ad on, you can advertise your unit in the local newspaper, informing the buyer to go online and see your photos. This is a cost-effective way to expose local RV buyers to your ad and direct them to the site because printing color photos in a newspaper is too expensive. Just a simple and inexpensive ad in the RVs for sale section, like the following example:
2010 Brookstone 5th wheel, 37 feet,
4 slideouts, like new, single owner
See our ad and photos on ad #102232
The buyer can check the information and photos on our web platform and mobile app, and contact you by phone, email, or text
Meeting Potential Buyers
Be prepared before meeting your first potential buyer; it's important to know what your RV is worth in the current market. Start by using the JD Power database. Find the high, low, and average prices of a certain vehicle based on the values in our current listings.
You might want to leave a little room for negotiation in your price. Keep negotiations open. Don't say "yes" or "no" too quickly to an offer unless it's entirely realistic. Many people negotiate for a used vehicle without an emotional attachment to the transaction, and negotiations can be a useful tool for both parties to reach a fair and agreeable price. Buyers who ask questions are serious buyers. Answer their questions honestly, clearly, and don't be offended. It's important to negotiate the terms and conditions of the sale and get it all in writing in a bill of sale. provides a bill of sale template in your account, as well as an option to add a condition of sale to your ad. Make sure you specify all conditions of the sale before proceeding with a buyer, especially if they are traveling a long distance to see your RV.
Finalizing the Sale
After agreeing on the price and terms of the sale, it's time to close the deal. Finalize the paperwork, including the bill of sale. Complete the transfer of ownership on the buyer's side. It's recommended to meet at a notary to handle the paperwork and ensure that all legal aspects are covered. If meeting at a notary is not possible due to distance, both parties can handle the transaction at their respective local notaries and send the required documents by mail.
Make sure that you provide all necessary documents to the buyer, including the RV title, maintenance records, warranty information (if applicable), and any other relevant paperwork. A smooth and transparent transaction is key to a successful sale.
We hope these tips help you in selling your RV effectively. Best of luck with your sale!