Here are some of questions asked by users frequently.

Q : How to send a message, make an offer, or schedule an appointment to see the recreational vehicle that interests me.

ANS : To send a message, make an offer, or schedule a viewing for the recreational vehicle that interests you, please follow these steps: click on the image of the recreational vehicle that caught your attention. A window will open with the vehicle's details. Then use the button corresponding to the action you wish to perform. For example, if you want to schedule an appointment with the seller to see the vehicle via video before visiting in person, press the "Calendar" button. Fill in the requested information in the required fields, indicating your availability by using the calendar, which is easy to use, and then send everything. You can perform the same actions for each of the buttons according to your needs.

Q : How do we respond to information requests that we receive from potential buyers?

ANS : To respond to information requests from a potential buyer, simply click on the client's email address found in the form you received from VR Club Direct. Your email client will open automatically. The potential client's email address will appear in the recipient field. Simply answer the client's questions and send your response

Q : Why do some of my photos appear to be blocked?

ANS : We block certain types of photos to reduce the transmission of inappropriate content. Specifically, we attempt to block all photos containing people. If you notice that one of your photos appears to be blocked in error, please send us the URL link of your listing, the concerned photo, and the error message to the following address: info@vrcd.ca.

Q : Why are my photos not oriented correctly?

ANS : Generally, our server automatically reorients photos. If this feature does not seem to be working correctly, open your photos on your computer in a photo editing software, manually rotate them, and then re-export them to VR Club Direct (vrcd.ca). The best option is to get into the habit of always taking your photos with the correct orientation. Tip: when taking photos in landscape mode, the phone's volume buttons should always be oriented upwards. Additionally, make sure that your phone's automatic display rotation feature is not locked.

Q : Why do my photos not appear to be of good quality on the VR Club Direct site?

ANS : It is essential to understand how photos work on our platform. When you add your photos in the designated section, keep in mind that the format must be standard, meaning not altered by amateur software or taken in poor conditions. Remember that the appearance of your photos on our website or mobile app will reflect their original quality. Avoid using photos from other web platforms that contain text or graphics, as this might not be compatible with our system. Consider that photos in landscape mode can alter the visual quality. It is preferable to use photos in portrait mode taken with a mobile phone. If you are using a camera, the approach is similar: the higher the image quality, the greater your chances of quickly attracting customers and selling your RV

Q : Is it possible to select the first photo that appears in my listing?

ANS : Yes, you have the ability to choose your main photo as per your needs. To do this, select the 'Main' option located in the upper left corner of each photo. Once selected, this image will become your main photo. You can change this selection as many times as you wish

Q : Why is my listing not online automatically?

ANS : Please note that it may take up to 2 hours after submitting your listing before it is indexed and goes live on our site. If your listing has been rejected, please review the photos and the text of your listing. Some listings may be removed following reports by one or more users. For the verification and re-approval process of a listing, please contact us at vente@vrcd.ca. Provide the brand, model, and year of the vehicle, the email or phone number associated with your account, a photo of yourself with the vehicle, as well as the approximate date of the initial posting of the listing. We will endeavor to get your listing back online quickly. To modify your listing, log into your account, click on 'Products', then on 'Product Pending', and select 'Edit' to the right of your listing. In this tab, you can modify, upgrade, delete, or renew your listings

Q : How can I modify my listing?

ANS : To make changes to your listing on VR Club Direct, follow these simple steps after logging into the account with which you created the listing: 1- Click on 'Product' in your dashboard. 2- To the right of your listing, use the dropdown menu to select 'Edit'. In this section, you have the option to modify, upgrade, delete, or renew your listings. It is important not to forget to save your changes at the bottom of the page so that your updated listing appears online. If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us at vente@vrcd.ca for assistance.

Q : How can I delete my listing in VR Club Direct?

ANS : To manage your listings on VR Club Direct, please follow these steps after logging into your account (the same one used to create the listing): 1- Click on 'Product' in your dashboard. 2- To the right of the listing you wish to manage, use the dropdown menu to choose the option to delete your listing. If you encounter any difficulties or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us at vente@vrcd.ca. We are here to help

Q : How can I change the email address of my VR Club Direct account?

ANS : Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the email address associated with an account. You will need to create a new account with your new email address and password.

Q : How can I change the password of my VR Club Direct account?

ANS : To change your password on VR Club Direct, follow these simple steps: 1- Log in to your VR Club Direct account. 2- Click on the dropdown menu located at the top right of the page. 3- Select the 'Change my password' option. 4- First enter your old password, then enter your new password. 5- Save the changes with the 'save password' button.

Q : My account is deactivated - How can I reactivate it?

ANS : For technical support, please do not hesitate to contact our team at vente@vrcd.ca. We will be happy to assist you in your efforts.